Ana Garcia web designer and UI/UX expert.

Ana Garcia

I am a “jill-of-all-trades" kind of designer. Years ago, I was in a committed relationship with print, but it didn’t take long for me to fall in love with the digital design world. Since then, I spend most of my work life helping brands create their online presence through web design and development, UX/UI, logos, social media, email campaigns…and yes, I still visit with my first love, print.

What gets Ana out of bed

A comically large flat white and the pair of Magpies that have moved in next door.

Who are Ana’s role models?

My mates. I have the best people around me. A highly curated bunch of absolutely hilarious, smart go-getters, who don’t sugar-coat things and always drive me to be my best self.

What is the one social issue Ana would like to fix?

Violence against women. The stats in this country are frightening. No woman should fear for her life whilst simply trying to live it.

Three words that describe Ana

Kind, Funny, Curious.

What smoothie Ingredient is ANA?

Definitely (Ana) banana.

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Ana's Thoughts